District 12 and Region 3
The #25 ranked team in NJ
Wins 62% of individual matches
Rank | Name | Year | Score | Medals |
#1 | Joey Olivieri | 2021 | 57 | 1,4,1,1 |
#2 | James LaValle | 1998 | 55 | 1,5,1,1 |
#3 | Nicholas Raimo | 2019 | 54 | 2,1,3,1 |
#4 | Anthony Cefolo | 2015 | 44 | 1,1,2 |
#4 | Vincenzo LaValle | 2025 | 44 | 3,3,2,2 |
Year | Name | Weight |
2024 | Vincenzo LaValle | 190 |
2023 | Vincenzo LaValle | 190 |
2022 | Vincenzo LaValle | 190 |
2021 | Joey Olivieri | 138 |
2020 | Joey Olivieri | 132 |
2019 | Joey Olivieri | 126 |
2019 | Nicholas Raimo | 132 |
2018 | Joey Olivieri | 106 |
2018 | Nicholas Raimo | 132 |
2017 | Nicholas Raimo | 126 |
2016 | Nicholas Raimo | 120 |
2015 | Sean Conoly | 113 |
2015 | Anthony Cefolo | 126 |
2015 | Anthony Oliveri | 160 |
2014 | Lou Raimo | 113 |
2014 | Anthony Bassolino | 160 |
2014 | Nick LaShell | Hwt |
2012 | Anthony Cefolo | 106 |
2010 | Mike Lomio | 171 |
2005 | James LaValle | 145 |
2002 | Greg Politi | 135 |
2002 | Vin Finaldi | 152 |
2002 | Matt Yeskel | Hwt |
2000 | Anthony Politi | 145 |
1999 | Matt Arellano | 145 |
1998 | James LaValle | 135 |
1997 | James LaValle | 130 |
1996 | James LaValle | 119 |
1995 | James LaValle | 100 |
1995 | Joe LaVelkle | 160 |
1991 | Mike Miller | 103 |
1989 | Anthony Giordano | 130 |
1986 | Mike Goodwin | 119 |
1986 | Nick Zarra | 185 |
1986 | John Kendall | Hwt |
1981 | Rich Rosati | 158 |
1980 | Kirby Hair | 141 |
1975 | Dom DiGioacchino | 158 |
1974 | Vince DeVito | 170 |
1965 | Gene Murphy | 106 |
1965 | Keith Trecker | 141 |
1963 | Gene Murphy | 98 |