District 18 and Region 5
Wins 45% of individual matches
Year | Name | Weight | Place |
2023 | Citlaly Condado | 152 | 7th |
2020 | Marcus Estevez | 285 | 4th |
2019 | Marcus Estevez | 285 | 6th |
2014 | Ralph Normandia | 195 | 2nd |
2014 | Mike Fagg-Daves | 170 | 5th |
2013 | Anthony Messner | 195 | 2nd |
2013 | Ralph Normandia | 220 | 3rd |
2011 | Colin Hewitt | 171 | 3rd |
2010 | Colin Hewitt | 152 | 4th |
2009 | Colin Hewitt | 145 | 5th |
2008 | Colin Hewitt | 135 | 7th |
1988 | Kevin Arline | Hwt | 6th |
1987 | Mike Messner | 171 | 7th |
1983 | Chris Marino | Hwt | 3rd |
1980 | Bill Sabo | Hwt | 4th |
1971 | Steve Bonsall | 157 | 3rd |
1969 | Charles Haywood | 123 | 4th |
Rank | Name | Year | Score | Medals |
#1 | Colin Hewitt | 2011 | 30 | 7,5,4,3 |
#2 | Ralph Normandia | 2014 | 22 | 3,2 |
#3 | Marcus Estevez | 2020 | 15 | 6,4 |
#4 | Anthony Messner | 2013 | 12 | 2 |
#5 | Chris Marino | 1983 | 10 | 3 |
Year | Name | Weight |
2020 | Marcus Estevez | 285 |
2019 | Marcus Estevez | 285 |
2014 | Mike Fagg-Daves | 170 |
2013 | Anthony Messner | 195 |
2013 | Ralph Normandia | 220 |
2012 | Cory Goshkagarian | 145 |
2012 | Anthony Messner | 195 |
2011 | Jake Balestrieri | 125 |
2011 | Mike Fagg-Daves | 130 |
2010 | Colin Hewitt | 152 |
2008 | Colin Hewitt | 135 |
1988 | Kevin Arline | Hwt |
1983 | Chris Marino | Hwt |
1980 | Bill Sabo | Hwt |
1971 | Steve Bonsall | 157 |
1970 | Steve Bonsall | 157 |
1969 | Charles Haywood | 123 |