District 24 and Region 6
Wins 59% of individual matches
Year | Name | Weight | Place |
2020 | Jasmine Aizley | 100 | 4th |
2020 | Joseph Lamparelli | 120 | 7th |
2019 | Jasmine Aizley | 100 | 2nd |
2011 | Ross Scheuerman | 171 | 6th |
2010 | Ross Scheuerman | 160 | 7th |
Rank | Name | Year | Score | Medals |
#1 | Jasmine Aizley | 2020 | 21 | 2,4 |
#2 | Ross Scheuerman | 2011 | 10 | 7,6 |
#3 | Joseph Lamparelli | 2020 | 4 | 7 |
Year | Name | Weight |
2019 | Joseph Lamparelli | 113 |
2018 | Joseph Lamparelli | 106 |
2016 | Zach Turner | 182 |
2011 | Ross Scheuerman | 171 |
1979 | Jerry Seip | 158 |
1979 | Darren Baker | 170 |